
Generate component with prompt



A login page


a form with a search of "users" - below the form is a list of the selected users in a simple UL


create an admin template with theme switcher using primevue


Add more padding


Create a wizard that asks users 4 different steps, and each step includes a variety of form and question/answer type elements. It is guiding a user though a quiz to best configure the app for them.


login page type steam para serviços de jogos


create a space shooting game using typescript. make the game images look like the real game (not triangles/rectangles)


Can you design a 3 step modal journey. First step is informative, with like 4 boxes of info, next is a user search and selection to find 5 people to invite, and then last is a confirmation page with like a congrats message and 4 links to different starting points


a filter search component for an animal shelter


cv, jd를 ai 분석으로 매칭해주는 saas 서비스의 랜딩페이지를 만들어줘


# Timesheet page generate a page to enter timesheets. There will be 2 views: 1 for the current day and 1 for the current week. The toggle between the 2 views will be in the top right corner with a button group. updates will be saved automatically. there should be a button to add a new line. At the bottom of the list of tasks there should be a fake line to add a new task. ## Weekly view the weekly view will show a list of days as columns, the current day will be highlighted. for each day there's an input to set the number of hours. we can add multiple lines per task we need to set. Tasks will be grouped by project. we should be able to change week by week with arrows (one on the left, one on the right) or using a calendar. between the arrows we should see the current week we're at by displaying the first day and the last day of the week separate by an hyphen ## Daily view the daily view will use the same system of lines per tasks grouped by project as the weekly view. But instead of the columns for the days we'll be able to select a time rang with something similar to a slider. we should be able to change the day by day with arrows (one on the left, one on the right) or using a calendar. between the arrows we should see the current day we're at.


a website for a hair stylist company. name is split endz. we want elegant pictures and big punchy fonts. few summaries and a contact section at the bottom. this is a one page site


I like the font. we don't need a nav bar as it's a single page. also we need images, maybe a carousel of hair styles. needs to be more elegant in the colour scheme. you've also lost the name of the company


Help me design a demo webapp for a freight-forwarding app. I will be designing wireframes in Figma. Attached photo is the chosen user flow from the design sprint. Here is a short description of the flow, describing the screens in a bit more detail: CRUD screen of all the Orders. First create new Form (with all the data from the second attached photo, it is handwritten from our client). Also look at the last 2 photos attached. The idea is that the FF agent will create a new form and fill in only the client field. He will then share the link to the form with his client. The client will fill in all the other details.


Generate a blank vuejs vite website for now.